You Completely Missed It!

Throughout the Scriptures, there are testimonies of men and women who constantly wanted to build things for God. If I build this God will come to me because that is what God did before. In theory, that makes perfect sense, in reality, it isn’t how God works.

The Bible is simple. God desires a relationship with you. He desires to meet with you daily, walk with you daily, and be your source of communion. His love language isn’t just gift-giving, although He does love it when we give radically to others.

God is doing something across the globe right now. He is awakening young people who aren’t entrenched with doctrines and dogmas, to repentance and worship. This includes the many stages of emotional responses. In moments of prayer, meditation, and worship I look like a complete train wreck. In one moment I will be praising God for something He has done for my family and me, and in the next moment, I will be crying because I realize I truly don’t deserve His grace.

When I look at the Psalms and many other books I see this emotional struggle many of the writers of the Bible have. One moment they are filled with joy and the next full of sorrow. We live in a day where we have shut off the power of the Holy Spirit to convict, and move an individual. We use theology and doctrine to try to explain away or at the minimum place God in a box defined by mortal minds.

We should have seen this coming, it isn’t new, it didn’t start with Messianic Christians, it started with humanism when we started making the Bible and God about us. This is ages old and still loves to dine with us today.

For those who are not familiar with humanism here is one definition:

an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to humans rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.

For years I wouldn’t have considered myself a cessationist, but I was pretty close! Recently, I have had to adjust my thoughts, I have just seen things that I cannot explain. I have seen things I know weren’t a perversion of emotions or staged.

There is a lot of negativity floating around from Bible-believing people right now in regard to Asbury, Lee University, and so many other places around the country. The arguments against are based on men’s interpretation of the stories of the Bible. They are void of the emotional stories also included throughout the Bible.

A caution to all, including myself. We are at a time where 21st-century apprentices of Yeshua/Jesus are going to be sifted, just like when the 1st-century apprentices of Yeshua/Jesus were sifted from the pharisaical leadership. The religious leaders of that day held so closely to their customs and doctrines that they chose where God was in the past over where God was in front of their faces.

I truly believe (no thus say the Lord) just an urging that has been in my spirit for a while, we are at that same point. A spiritual time that parallels the time Jesus walked on this earth. If you walk out of the commandments and customs of the Hebrews without the presence of God’s Spirit inside of you, you will become pharisaical and completely miss it. If you walk by your own Spirit and do what is right in your own eyes and call it God you become an idolater of self and you completely miss it.

There is a balance of Spirit and Truth that God is attempting to show and shepherd His people into right now. The Torah movements of Christianity need the Holy Spirit movements of Christianity now more than ever. The Holy Spirit movements of Christianity need the Torah movements of Christianity now more than ever. Neither one of them needs our doctrines, dogmas, and self-righteous attitudes. Why? Throughout history, most people just completely missed what God was doing, because they were too busy playing God.

I want to leave you with a song to meditate on today, I was doing so this morning and I hope it blesses you as much as it did me: