I Murdered My King | Passover | Good Friday

I sit here studying the Bible, listening to worship music. I exalt thee comes through the rotation. As Christians around the world prepare to celebrate Good Friday, and as Messianic believers prepare to celebrate Passover, I find myself overwhelmed with the concept of Yeshua taking the cup of wrath.

The fifth cup in the Passover Seder, the one not commonly talked about is also called the cup of wrath. Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekial, Habakkuk all talk about this cup. Matthew, Mark, and Luke also reference this cup. That the wrath of God over His creation was taken by the very King I would have murdered if I were alive in the first century.

I won’t pretend to be self-righteous. My ignorance and selfish religious views would have had me in the crowd crying to crucify Him if I had been alive at that time. My knowledge of Hebrew, Ancient Near East, Kosher, Sabbath, and the Feasts would not have changed this.

Yet God’s perfect plan of salvation, Yeshua being the manifestation of Adonai in this realm willingly took the wrath I deserved.

In the last couple of years, I have had a massive heart change. Many mock me, belittle me, gossip behind closed doors stating “I AM GOING BACK TO THE CHURCH,” or “I AM GOING BACK TO BEING A CHRISTIAN.” I have stepped off my self-created pulpit of false righteousness. One that I unintentionally built to place myself as more righteous than certain groups. I’m not sure where the line is, but I’m looking. Messianic believers are Christian believers. It isn’t new Messianic believers and Messianic ages have happened throughout Biblical history. The attempt to split hairs and strain the thread through the eye of the needle is worthless and only diminishes other’s journeys. Israel is in the church and they don’t even know it. Israel is everywhere. The nations rage because they need to know the KING OF PEACE, Yeshua.

You can carry your past on your shoulders or you can learn from it and start over.

The very fact that Yeshua took the wrath I deserved when He deserved none of it has convicted me to run after every person. I don’t care if you are a drunk, adulterer, or in any other sin. I have seen the hidden sins of Messianic, Jews, and every other denomination of Christians. Hidden sins diminish our belief in being redeemed. You think you have shame, you have no idea, just like I, we don’t know of how Yeshua felt to take all of our shame at once. So much so that He asked His Father if He could remove the cup from Him (Luke 22). It’s time for us to be real not only with ourselves but with others. We aren’t fooling anyone, especially God.

So today I want to confess my sin to you. I have stolen, I have cheated, I have lied, I have lived in arrogance and pride, I have lusted after power, position, and influence. All of these things have come and gone throughout my life. Most importantly though I MURDERED MY KING. It was because of my rebellion, my sin, my shame that God had to send His son to take the fifth cup, the cup of wrath on behalf. So that I could have a way to be restored back to the Creator. To stand on the day of the judgment covered by the blood of the New Covenant. The blood of Yeshua who walked through the pieces of the covenant in my place. The one who is still destroying the Temple that is me, so that He can continue to rebuild it. The one who is the author of a better and more eternal covenant.

During this season may we be the Yeshua to someone else. May we strive to protect the threshold of another’s life. It’s time for giants to fall. It’s time for strongholds to fall. It’s time for us to bring honor and stop piling on the shame that the cup of wrath contained. A different heart, a pearl of different wisdom, a different goal. One that can only be inspired and powered by the Ruach. I won’t forget the moment He led me through the exodus of my heart. God’s doing something amazing, I don’t truly understand it, but I know it isn’t void of the Spirit. I know this isn’t exactly the most popular message. I know this isn’t going to tickle any ears. I know this will make many uncomfortable. Jesus wasn’t comfortable on the cross, the place I put Him for my ability to achieve things I cannot do on my own. It’s time for us to get out of the comforts of the Messianic/Christian religious system and get back to actually be the people of the book.