Hearing God's Voice in a Chaotic World

In the first recorded English Bible’s the word Peace is used 429 times throughout the Scriptures. Chaos is the opposite of Biblical peace. (shalom)

We see that God uses chaos for judgements.  Isaiah, Zepeniah, Revelations all speak to God the fact that God uses chaos to judge.

Following those judgements Zechariah, Judges, ! Samuel, 2 Chronicles, Isaiah, Ezekial and Haggai all talk about panic and destruction characterize the chaos that follows God’s judgement.

Chaos threatens God’s order

Life and order must be sustained by God.  We see this in-

  • Psalm 104

  • Colossians 1

  • Job 12

  • Isaiah 42

  • Hebrews 1

Yet Genesis 1 tells us that God creates order out of chaos.  It is He who creates something out of nothing.  It is he who brings order to his creation.

-       Not us

-       Not wall street

-       Not this world. Just God

This theme is also represented in these passages as well-

  • Psalms 33

  • Psalms 148

  • Romans 4

  • Hebrews 11

  • Isaiah 45

  • Job 9

  • Psalm 8

  • Isaiah 48

A lot of talk has happened recently about fear.  How we are to only fear the Lord.  We need to take a serious look at chaos though, cause we allow chaos to create fear.  The chaos we cause.  The chaos we allow to consume us.  The constant hustle and bustle.  The constant stream of noise, distraction, information.  The constant speculation.  The constant mistrust of other individuals, the constant state of chaos in our lives.  Welcome to the 21 century.  Navigating the 21st century can be hard for believers who are seeking to understand the 1st century context of the teachings of Yeshua.

No one is immune to this noise.  We do it when debating with everyone on everything.  We seek knowledge, of the Bible, the world, what evil plan the government is planning, what false flag, stock up, take care of me. 

May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and grant you peace.

His countenance, His favor, His safety, His blessings. 

We see in the parable of the ten virgins there were wise and foolish virgins.  We can prepare physically with food, with needs for our family.  We should, God has given us wisdom to prepare to take care of our families.  As leaders in your household you cannot neglect that calling.  Yet are we neglecting the Spiritual preparation for the coming Messiah?  Are we neglecting the very physical elements of Spiritual preparation by not worry first for the widow, orphan, elderly.  None of these things should be mutually exclusive of one another.  The Holy Spirit is calling his people to prepare physically in their homes, physically in their communities, country, and Spiritually the same.

How do we do that?  How to we find order in the midst of chaos.  How do we restore peace?  I believe there is only one way.  Allow the Lord to do it in your life and take the necessary steps to eliminate the noise.  The noise that every stay at home mother lives with.  The noise that every person hears on FB, the media, radio.  The noise that every Pastor knows well.  The noise that distracts people from their spouse, their children, the noise that leads to panic, fear, apathy, rebellion, and a general chaotic environment. 

There were many times throughout the Scripture where God calls us to limit the noise, remove ourselves from situations to draw closer to him.  If you were unclean you were to remove yourself for the great community. 

Remove yourself from the noise.  Whatever noise is keeping you from hearing God’s wisdom for your life.  The calling always comes in the chaos.  It is God restoring order to His creation. 

Romans 1:21

For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

2 Corinthians 10:5

We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.

2 Timothy 2:23

But refuse foolish and ignorant speculations, knowing that they produce quarrels.

Open your windows, pull back the blinds, let the light of God speak into your life.  The light that shows us we are to be about the whole kingdom.  Not just our part.  The world is loosing it’s mind. 

Let us not lose our hearts.  Let our praise go forth in battle, let our servant-hood go forth in battle, let our prayers go forth in battle.  Let God move in our hearts like he did in David when he walked onto that battle field to take on Goliath.  It’s time for an awakening in our hearts.  One that allows the living Torah to renew our marriages, our homes, our communities, and reduce the selfishness that this world has glorified for too long.

Let God grant you peace in the midst of the noise.  Right now around the world believers are preparing their hearts and homes for Passover, let us going deeper than ever before.  Knowing that in our obedience to the Creator he will pass over our homes and the plagues we see daily in our life with not harm you.  Chaos cannot survive when the children of God restore there lips to praise. 

God has never and will never be confined by a building, and He has given us a tremendous opportunity in front of us.  May He grant you His peace.